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The GEEK FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Ahh yes, welcome to The Geek Way. I'm sure many of you are wondering just who (or what) the heck we are, so consider this the place for you Questions answered, and your stereotypes brushed asside like used Card Protectors. So Lets Roll the dice! "What is a Geek?" Well, in short a Geek is defined as, more or less, an outcast of society. We live outside the stereotype that many people consider "Normal" living, and embrace that fact as what makes us unique. Conforming to other's ideas of what we should be is the last thing on our minds, as we do find the rest of humanity either stupid, boring, or both. :/ "Wait, I know what you are! You're a (Nerd, Dork, Spaz, Tweeb)! Wait. Hold it. Stop right there. First off let me clue you in as to the differences between Geeks and the rest of society's outcasts. First of all, Nerds are those brainy, science guys who have a pocket protector with inch thick glasses and no self-confidence, they are so book-smart it hurts normal humans. Dorks are more along the lines of people who know a lot of stuff that really no one cares about, more along the lines of being street or pop-smart and no one cares. Spazs are those hyper outcasts who continue talking on and on and on and on and on and on.. (I'd keep going, but I'd have to hit myself with something blunt X_x). Dweebs are the unlucky few who puperty has forsaken because their voices are high-pitched and annoying, and they also know more about literature than others. "Okay mister smart guy. Then what is a Geek?" Glad you asked. First off a Geek is a wonderful combination of all of the above. We have the first-hand world experience of Dorks, the level of Book-smarts that Nerds have, some of the hyper-activity of Spaz, and we've finally lost the high-pitched of the Dweebs. As you can see, we are the wonderful mix of all four outcasts to create our very own group of social outcasts who really don't care what the rest of the world thinks of us. Give it up. We ain't goin' nowhere! XD "Okay, then why are you doing a web comic about Geeks?" Well, to be honest. I didn't know I was really a Geek until the summer of '04. I stopped at a cardshop that I had been trying to find several months before. It was a place where I met all the characters featured in The Geek Way. Oz, Mason, Kenny, Rob, Jeff, Derek, Lindsy, if they've been featured in the comic, I met them at that card shop. But before even THAT, I had done a little ole comic called RM 730. It involved me and my room-mate at College last year. I did the comic for the University Newspaper, which ended up having a larger fan-base of people who hated it than those who really liked it. Of course it contained so many inside jokes that only Geeks would truely understand, realize that now. Well with RM 730 ended and I started to realize my true Geekesque-ness.. (yes I know that's not even a word on earth...but bare with me..) I suppose it happened with a little story that Jeff told me, which is summerized in the very first Geek Way on the site (Click Geek Archives and you'll see the story that started it all. "Who are you then?" For the record, just call me DR. And yes... I am a Geek. I fully embrace my own Geekiness. And if you don't like that.... well then don't read on. XP "What makes you a Geek, DR?" For starters you can basically tell that I'm a combination. I'm into Sonic the Hedgehog comics, Anime, Manga, Godzilla movies (I nearly have the entire set of movies), Art and drawing in general, Sci-Fi, Writing fantasy stories, RPG (Role Playing Games) Video games, Table Top RPGs (Dungeons and Dragons, Werewolf, ect), Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic the Gathering, Dinosaurs, Crypto and Xenobiology, and I think that about covers it. My itnerests vary from subject to subject, but currently I'm in school to become a Paleontologist. Which means about 8 more years of school and I'll have a shot at being what I've wanted to be since I was 5. "Okay, what kind of Geeks are there?" Now this is a fairly interesting Question. There are an unlimited number of Geeks that Exsist in the world, but here are a few that are featured in The Geek Way.
There are an unlimited number of Geek Types, it just depends on what you are more interested in. "You have some mad l33t skillz. How do you draw like that?" First off, stop talking in L33t, we'll all be a lot better off if you do. Secondly, I spent years drawing. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, usually drawing only Dinosaurs and such. I kept drawing, improving as I did and eventually got into Anime-style art. From there I ordered books, and watched as much Anime and read lots of Manga. I am by no means an expert, but I do take pride in my artistic abilities. "What does "Nat 20"/"Botch"/"other-random-Geek-Term" mean?" Ahh yes, we get to the Terms Geeks most commonly use. Let's get started.
The Geek Way Is Copyright Dennis Roth 2004 The Geek Way is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting service for webcomics (and Geeks alike). |