Jeff - The Music Geek!

Name: Jeff Leiker "Jerf"

Age: 19

Level of Geekdom: 2

Geek Stuff: Music, RPGs, Magic, Video Games, guitar, Geeky Rants

Geek Summary:

Geek Quote: "No, that wasn't in character.. it... it was a nervous joke! I'm gonna die..."

Geek Staring Appearance: Geek Way 11-30-04.

Things annoy geeks. This isn't abnormal, although most of the world thinks Geeks are. Jeff is one of the Geeks who's personality and demenor make it humorous when he's on a rant. So we've decided to share these rants with you. Enjoy.

The Rants of Jeff

The Geek Way is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting service for webcomics (and Geeks alike).